Google just open-sourced ‘Parsey McParseface’ 🔡

Google has a big gift for anyone trying to fulfill the promise of artificial intelligence: software that helps computers understand human speech and text.

Google just open-sourced ‘Parsey McParseface’ ( the name made famous by an online contest to name a UK research ship) and it could change AI forever.

Google has released SyntaxNet, a natural-language neural network framework for helping machines understand natural language, as an open-source offering.

As much as we love to fawn over artificial intelligence (AI), it’s still not great at recognizing and parsing natural language. That’s why Google is open's.

Combining machine learning and search techniques, Parsey McParseface is 95 percent accurate, according to Google. It also leans on SyntaxNet’s neural-network framework for analyzing the linguistic structure of a sentence or statement, which parses the functional role of each word in a sentence.

SyntaxNet became open-source software so anyone can use it for free and modify it however they want.

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