Tuesday 18 July 2017

Robot 'decided cool down itself' in fountain🤖

As your skin gets heated, it sends signals to the brain to let it know that it's time to start sweating in order to release heat from inside the body out into the environment. It will also tell the brain to increase blood flow, so that it can push out heat that way too. The combination is aimed to cool your body down.

The Knightscope K5, an rocket-ship shaped droid that stands aroud 5-feet tall, is fitted with GPS, lasers, sensors and cameras that are meant to help it monitor its surroundings.

The robot is meant to spot misdemeanours and parking violations and identify known criminals, moving at around 3 miles per hour and avoiding law-abiding citizens.

But this particular robot, for reasons as yet not known, appears to have driven down the steps of the fountain in the middle of the office and ended up floating sideways, rendering it immobile. It was removed, although is likely to have been permanently damaged.

Knightscope, the company behind the droid, said it was investigating the incident. 

Maybe Robot 'decided cool down itself' in fountain?

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